One of the reasons I love this town is the character of the people in it. This has been displayed in abundance in the times have been delivering the SHMD News through your doors so far this week.
Now it's been a long hard slog let me tell you! We've been distributing 21,000 copies across 4 towns. I have done all my rounds though with a smile on my face.
The things I have been greeted, surprised and feared by as I've approached doors has made me chuckle and gasp on every street. From the house with the life size, black and white cut out of Elvis staring through the window at me holding a celebration balloon with "nutty tart" on it in shiny letters to the guy trying to hold back his huge dog and advising me not to give him the paper in his hand, I have laughed, jumped and at one point almost cried.
I thank you! You are all beautiful, unique people from all different creeds, colours and backgrounds.